Premiering We Wake Eternally, a new short film created in collaboration with Gucci, as part of the A/W17 ‘Modern Mythologies’ issue of Another Man
- FilmTim Walker
Premiering We Wake Eternally, a new short film created in collaboration with Gucci, as part of the A/W17 ‘Modern Mythologies’ issue of Another Man
The A/W17 ‘Modern Mythologies’ issue of Another Man features a special 32-page Gucci document devoted to the arcane world of Alessandro Michele. The first chapter presents We Wake Eternally, an otherworldly story photographed by Tim Walker and styled by Katy England, inspired by characters from the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot; a second chapter sees skateboarding god and artist Mark Gonzales illustrate 13 magical Gucci symbols.
Here, in an exclusive premiere, Emma Dalzell’s film of Walker and England’s shoot brings these mythical creatures to life:
A film by Tim Walker, directed by Emma Dalzell; Styling Katy England; Hair Malcolm Edwards at Art Partner; Make-up Miranda Joyce at Streeters; Set design Shona Heath at CLM; Casting Piotr Chamier.