Amelia Abraham

Amelia is currently a full time editor and writer at VICE, and sometimes contributor to the Guardian, Observer, Dazed, and i-D. She writes about film, photography, feminism and sexuality

A conversation about around pictures Paul Mpagi Sepuya 2019
Life & CultureInterviewPaul Mpagi Sepuya, the Photographer Conjuring Digital Cruising CultureAmelia Abraham meets American photographer Paul Mpagi Sepuya, whose new exhibition – A conversation about around pictures – explores image-construction and digital self-fashioningAmelia Abraham
Hunter Reynolds, Shhh (from Patina du Prey Drag Pose Series)
Life & CultureFeatureThe Hayward’s ‘DRAG’ Exhibition: A Must-See, but Lacking ContextLeigh Bowery, Ulay and Man Ray join contemporary artists at the Hayward’s new show – but can photographs and prints can ever really do this subversive art form justice?Amelia Abraham